Infj Serial Killers

Posted : adminOn 4/28/2018

I'm looking at a Richard Ramirez interview now. I don't see people as good or evil. Take that just for what it is. But there is something vapid about his mien. As it is I cannot clarify his tendencies. *shudders* But I can if I prefigure him in an average light. Might sound strange but I think I could accept him as an ENFJ.

Infj Serial Killers

Hm, if I imagined my mom (healthy ENFJ) as a serial killer, I think she'd act similarly. I'd 'lol' but I'm kinda serious. Oh, what the hell.

Preeeeeeeeeetty sure Light is no INFJ. He's a psychopathic serial killer with a God complex. Way before Dexter did it). INFJs are fond of themselves. They try to have friends but they often do not get past the “hello” phase. They prefer non-interactive media, which is why they predilect for poetry and. They are the traditional silent stalker, the ones who become serial murderers at age 40 out of a growing sense of meaningless in life. Ok, so I rarely share this interest with others because it would kill me if people thought I was a dangerous psycho. I am drawn to this subject. Nero 9 Full Key Crack more. Aug 18, 2017 - I am an INFJ interested in. Dispatch Bang Bang Zippyshare. Enter your email address to subscribe to Which MBTI type and find out the. A case in point, is that of the serial killers Burke in.

Lol Hm, seems like I was close to your observation, @. You said ENTJ, right? I don't recall typing Richard Ramirez but if I did, it was a mistake. I honestly don't know enough about him.

I've studied Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ed Gein quite a lot. O-oh, that was Bundy you typed. I've seen quite a few people claiming that MBTI cannot be used to type Serial Killers, Mass Murderers, Spree Killers, Sociopaths or Psychopaths on the premise that these people are incapable of feeling emotion.

That premise is flawed, as all those types of people can feel emotions, even happiness, sadness, fear, and yes, shame. Not guilt, and certainly not empathy. But they are capable of sympathy (which is related to empathy, but impersonal and based on scripted ideas from past experiences.) The markers of a Psychopath or Sociopath on the Neurological level is that they cannot feel guilt.

Their perception of emotion from the face is skewed as well. Most Psychopaths cannot tell the difference between the expressions for sadness, guilt or shame. It is possible that they feel emotion at a child's level, egocentric, pleasure oriented, and emotions can be grouped into one emotion. But as I said, inability to feel guilt is not the same as the inability to be sad or ashamed. In the interviews with Dahmer, he tells how lonely his life was, as we know, he wasn't a torture killer, he didn't really want to kill, he wanted control. He was maladapted to society, as control is a difficult thing to obtain in society.

That SCREAMS NT - Rational, as they are focused on Control, Self-Control and are usually scientists. Remember that he liked to inject Acid into his victim's brains to try to zombify them?

Dahmer was a relatively shy type, so we have INTx. I'm thinking he was Ti-Heavy, so I'm thinking he was INTP. Think of it this way, a Psychopath is not incapable of emotion (Ed Gein loved his mother), but they're stimulated differently.

And if they are very heavy thinkers, their emotions are atrophied, so they so to extremes to get those little glimmers of emotional stimulation. Can you accurately type psychopaths/sociopaths? One of my ex-friends is a psychopath and (before we realised) he did an MBTI test twice and came out as two completely different types, neither of which described him (although I think he influenced the results the second time as he came out as an ENTJ which I know he'd love to be).

Though maybe that is to do with the constant lying aspect of psychopathy. I'm unsure, but I'm willing to give it a go. I don't think you can be human and coherent without having a set basis of cognitive functions. My hypothesis is that psychopaths and sociopaths are no different than anyone else in that regard. Note: there's a.startling amount of Intuition here. Richard Ramirez: ENFJ Ted Bundy: ENTJ Luka Magnotta: ENFJ Jeffery Dahmer: INFP John Gacy: INFP Ed Gein: IXXP (wouldn't doubt INFP) Charles Manson: ENFP David Berkowitz: INFP Intuition does entail quite a bit of imagination.