Elements Of Discrete Mathematics By C.l.liu
Posted : adminOn 5/5/2018Element of Discrete Mathematics, is recognized for its signature mathematical emphasis and appropriate coverage for a first course taught at the freshmen level. The book presents the concepts of Discrete Mathematics from an algorithmic point of view. The pedagogy is added in sync with the book?s creditable style where concepts along with solved examples are juxtaposed against each other appositely to strengthen students? Conceptual base of the subject! TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Sets and Propositions 2. Permutations, Combinations, and Discrete Probability 3.
Elements of Discrete Mathematics. Chung Laung Liu. McGraw-Hill, 1977 - Algebra, Abstract - 294 pages. Elements of Discrete Mathematics by C L Liu starting at $0.99. Elements of Discrete Mathematics has 3 available editions to buy at Alibris. Install Flash Player On Samsung Smart Tv.
Relations and Functions 4. Graphs and Planar Graphs 5. Trees and Cut-Sets 6.
Modeling Computation 7. Analysis of Algorithms 8.
Discrete Numeric Functions and Generating Functions 9. Recurrence Relations and Recursive Algorithms 10. Groups and Rings 11. Boolean Algebras Printed Pages: 648.
Bookseller Inventory # 21572. Synopsis: Element of discrete mathematics, is recognized for its signature mathematical emphasisand appropriate coverage for a first course taught at the freshmen level. The book presentsthe concepts of discrete mathematics from an algorithmic point of view. The pedagogy isadded in sync with the book's creditable style where concepts along with solved examplesare juxtaposed against each other appositely to strengthen students' conceptual base of thesubject! 'About this title' may belong to another edition of this title.
Elements of Discrete Mathe Element of Discrete Mathematics, is recognized for its signature mathematical emphasis and appropriate coverage for a first course taught at the freshmen level. The book presents the concepts of Discrete Mathematics from an algorithmic point of view. The pedagogy is added in sync with the books creditable style where concepts along with solved examples are juxtaposed against each other appositely to strengthen students conceptual base of the subject!
Salient Features: Pseudocode approach to algorithms New and expanded coverage to topics like Graphs, Binomial Theorem, Probability Distribution Function Refreshed Pedagogy: o 310 Solved Examples interspersed within the chapters o 760 Unsolved Problems for practice o 36 Programming Exercises o 21 Algorithms with C Program Codes o 480 Illustrationsmatics is an computer oriented approach for 3 semester computer science students of APTU. Manual Proprietario Palio Weekend Elx 2001. Elements of Discrete Mathematics is a comprehensive book undergraduate students of Computer Science Engineering. The book comprises chapters on sets and permutations, permutations, combinations and discrete probability, relations and functions, graphs and planar graphs, modeling computation, analysis of algorithms and recurrence relations and recursive algorithms.
In addition, the book consists of several solved examples, practice problems, illustrations and algorithms to understand the concepts better. This book is essential for candidates preparing for various competitive examinations like GATE and IES. About McGraw Hill Education McGraw Hill Education is an Indian academic publishing company involved in releasing expertly authored books for students studying in India.
McGraw Hill books present material which goes beyond traditional books and offer students an edge so that they can excel in their educational endeavors. The company has also released books like NTSE Practice Papers Class-X and Study Package for NTSE Class VIII. Bibliographic information.