Drivers Ms 6541 Compaq Support

Posted : adminOn 4/6/2018

Hello everybody, I've got a mobo (as far as can understand from Compaq PC) and not a clue on jumper settings. Would somebody could possibly. Fps Creator X9 1.18 Download.

Compaq Support Drivers Download

I clearly understand what you are looking for, I do not believe you are following me. This information you have provided is not pertinent to identifying what the model and manufacturer of your motherboard truly is. With this information, a technical manual can be located for you to proceed with the task.

It will also help to identify which of these choices from the support web site would apply to your unit: Compaq Evo D310 Desktop » Compaq Evo D310 Desktop Compaq Evo D310 Micro-desktop » Compaq Evo D310 Micro-desktop Compaq Evo D310 microtower » Compaq Evo D310 Microtower Compaq Evo D310 Slim Tower » Compaq Evo D310 Slim Tower Compaq Evo D310v Microtower » Compaq Evo D310v Microtower Have you looked there yet? If you know the answer to this question, you can 'walk down' to the tech manuals online for that model. Thanks again for your reply. I did find on this web site a plan of a mother board which is almost the same than the one I have. However, this plan is not detailled enough. Indeed, what I need is to understand how the different cables that link the front of the computer (start button, reset button, etc) to the mother board get connected to the different contacts of the J28 connector.

Do you have any idea where I can find a detailled plan of this J28 connector or where I can find a chart that explains the relation between the codes on the cables and the codes of the differents contacts of the J28 connectors? Thanks Xavier.

When you re-insalled Windows XP, Windows didn't install the graphics driver because it didn't have a driver for your graphics card and it installed a generic VGA driver instead. You can check this by going into the Control Panel - Display etc. Download the video driver and install it to fix your display problem. You need to download the video driver from the Compaq/HP WEB support/download page. Make sure you select your model laptop and the XP Windows version of the drivers you require. Mar 08, 2009 .