Arcgis Server Ecw License To Drive

Posted : adminOn 4/10/2018

Your layer is an ECW format raster. By default, the ArcGIS Server installation does not include support for ECW format rasters. Layers based on the ECW format will. The ECW raster format is directly supported in ArcGIS Desktop, but not in ArcGIS Server, ArcIMS, or ArcGIS Image Server (the ArcGIS Server Image Extension). To use ECW in server-based products requires additional licensing permissions from ERDAS, Inc., the inventors of the ECW format. For ArcGIS Server version 10,.Missing. ArcGIS License Manager; ArcGIS Server; GIS Services and. ECW is temporarily shown as. Renaming a folder connection or including the drive path with a. Although mosaic datasets can be accessed and viewed in ArcGIS with any license.

Arcgis Server Ecw License To DriveArcgis Server Ecw License To Drive

Solution • Covert the ECW-based raster into a file or ArcSDE geodatabase and replace the ECW-based layer with the geodatabase layer. • You can also choose to copy data to the server. In this case, all data referenced by your layers, regardless or their original data source, is consolidated into a single file geodatabase on the server. This requires a connection to the server where the option to copy data is checked. Learn more about and • Alternately, if you plan on getting the appropriate ECW license for your server, you can leave the ECW format raster layer in your map. The server will not draw the layer until the proper license is installed.

More information Enhanced Compressed Wavelet (ECW) is ERDAS's (ER Mapper's) propriatary format. It is a wavelet-based, lossy compression, similar to JPEG 2000. The ECW raster format is directly supported in ArcGIS for Desktop, but not in ArcGIS for Server or the ArcGIS Server Image extension. To use ECW in server-based products requires additional licensing permissions from ERDAS, Inc., the inventors of the ECW format. To contact ERDAS to request a license, send an e-mail to

Once a license has been granted from ERDAS, it is possible to enable the ECW support in ArcGIS for Server and the ArcGIS Server Image extension.

Note: This post is about getting ecw and mrsid support working in the trunk (qgis-dev) version of QGIS which is installed with the OSGeo4W installer. Non-dev versions seem to work fine following this method: Getting ECW and MrSID support into QGIS can be a real pain in the butt when you first try; but once you know how it’s easy. Urdu Inpage 2003. If you try to open a ecw file in QGIS you will get this nice little error message: What?

I thought QGIS supported ECW files! Turns out it does, but the team are not able to ship the required libs with the program due to licensing restrictions by ERDAS. Luckily adding support is not “too” hard. • First head over to • Click Download Now for the ERDAS ECW/JP2 SDK Desktop Read-Only, Version 4.1 libs, • Fill out a bit of registration details and click though all the pages ( this is the most painful process I have ever had to go though to get some libs for a program, ERDAS should be ashamed that it is such an effort.) • Once you have download ECWJP2SDKSetup_RO_20100920.exe; install it. • Copy all the files from C: Program Files ERDAS ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 Read SDK bin vc90 win32 into the bin folder of your OSGeo4W install (default is C: OSGeo4W bin) You can open the OSgeo4W shell and run: copy “C: Program Files ERDAS ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 Read SDK bin vc90 win32 *.dll”%OSGEO4W_ROOT% bin to do the same thing. • Launch osgeo4w-setup.exe, the installer that you used to install qgis-dev, and select gdal-ecw, gdal17-ecw and gdal-mrsid, gdal17-sid under the libs section. Let it install the needed libs and any dependencies.